EWG, green, produits vérifiés… Qu'est-ce que ça veut dire ? - LYSSA SELECT

EWG, green, verified products… What does that mean?

What are the reliable sources of information to reassure us? Who can we trust?

To reassure consumers about choosing their skin-friendly products, there are safe, non-profit organizations that rely on scientific research to educate the consumer (and Fortunately !).

For the best known, we can cite the EWG organization.

The Environmental Working Group is an independent, not-for-profit organization that finds and shares information publicly for the sole purpose of protecting human health and the environment. In addition to making it easily understandable, the information shared is easily accessible to all audiences (no need to be a scientist to read their research!). Thus, we can rely on the EWG to determine which ingredients and products are toxic to our health or the ecosystem, or on the contrary, without danger.

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The EWG has two missions

The cool thing is that the organization is not just tracking information, but directly lobbying the US government to regulate and ban harmful chemicals. Through extensive research, it can help consumers know which products are safe...or not. Thousands of ingredients are analyzed and identified in our products that we use daily: cosmetics, baby products, body products or household products, to name the essentials.

EWG is even better than organic!

You only need to know the EWG requirement criteria to know that this certification is more preferable to the organic certification.

There is a "Skin Deep ®" database from EWG. It is divided into 3 categories which designate the hazard scores: red, orange and green. To achieve certification, products must achieve a green hazard score!

Products cannot contain an ingredient classified as "unacceptable" by EWG, otherwise it is an ingredient that may cause health, ecotoxicity and/or contamination problems.

Also no products on the "foreign" list (not meeting the restrictions imposed by the competent bodies) and no products which do not give all the ingredients on the label. The manufacturing techniques are analyzed, the requirements of the European Union (list of allergens, nanomaterials used) are respected, as well as the mention of an expiry date (for the main rules).

Ah yes, and who says EWG VERIFIED® says products of animal origin, abuse, testing on animals prohibited!

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The difference with organic certification? Organic products still let through some dubious substances that sometimes make their use unreliable at 100%. An organic product is not necessarily good for your health...

Having an EWG VERIFIED™ certification is good, but you still have to keep it!

To protect consumers at all times, EWG certified brands are committed to complying with the rules at all times! Reports submitted on possible problems or serious side effects are mandatory. Random tests are carried out by the organization to ensure proper compliance with the rules (which can change regularly). The lists of "unacceptable" and "restricted" ingredients are reviewed annually in order to adapt to our constant evolution and our needs.

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For those who want to know more (and who speak English) visit their site: https://www.ewg.org/skindeep/

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